Some people think we’re crazy.

11 09 2008

Yes, some people think we’re crazy. And I’m beginning to think they may have been right. We picked up and explored Europe for 6 weeks. Why not? When in our lives could we ever do such a thing? My husband lost his job due to the housing crisis. I was a teacher and not happy with all that was going on in schools these days. Before he got laid off, he was making good money, so I left my teaching job to pursue another avenue…Sales wasn’t for me. I don’t know if it was the product or what, but I was miserable. When he came home and told me his news one day, we soon got the idea that going to Europe would be a great adventure. So, within 2 weeks, I wrapped up my sales job, bought plane tickets, secured a Eurail pass and off we went. We had an idea of where we wanted to go and what we wanted to see. That was it. It was an incredible experience, but NOW we’re back to “reality” and both searching for jobs.

I just KNOW I can find something I believe in. I hated the thought of leaving teaching, but felt I had to do it. There are some crazy things going on in education these days that are not in the student’s best interest. It’s not about kids anymore. Very, very sad especially for me, when that is where my passion lies. What can I find that I can use my love of learning, education and children that is at the same time creative and rewarding, (and pays the bills!)?

I am aware that “no one” likes their job. “That’s why they call it work.” I have heard that over and over. But, do I really want to spend the rest of my life doing some mundane thing that I don’t believe in? There is a higher calling out there for me. I just know it.

As for now, we are exercising more than ever, spending late nights watching tv and movies and praying for the right thing to come along.

Wish us luck and a little bit of patience!